Keys to Healthy Knees v.1

Keys to Healthy Knees v.1

Mark G.

At Cardio High we aim to give clients a great workout even when they are trying to work around an injury. I recently jumped off my surfboard in shallow water and sprained my MCL (the ligament on the side of the knee). The MCL helps to keep the knee stable when planting the leg and changing direction or moving laterally. The bad news for me; no surfing or tennis for 6 weeks. The good news; this type of injury usually does not require surgery. The better news; Cardio High is set up so there's always substitute exercises for working around injuries, so I've been able to get a great workout even though I can't move laterally or change directions. I am also meeting with various PTs and movement gurus about how to integrate exercises into Cardio High programs to reduce knee injury risk. We currently do quite a few exercises to strengthen hips which helps to take pressure off knees and reduces injury risk. These are key hip exercises for healthy knees to do every other day;

Clamshells. Mini band around thighs above knee. Lying on side, open knees with feet together. Close slowly.

Mini band walks. Mini band around ankles. Walk laterally or forward and backward with tension in the band.

Block squeeze. Place a wide block or firm pillow between thighs while lying on back. Feet on floor and knees bent. Deep inhale, then squeeze the block tightly throughout long exhale.

If you have a great exercises for healthy knees, send it to us at [email protected].

Mark G.